Open-source model that enhances reasoning capabilities using RL, featuring contributions such as an innovative training pipeline and distillation techniques.
My experience setup ROS2, MAVROS, and Gazebo for Software in the Loop (SITL).
Getting started with Rust, my journey learning Rust.
My planning to add activity page that store my body activities, e.g steps, calories, and sports.
Steps for installing ubuntu on Mac using UTM
ZeroInside x APTRG crash course part 1.
My self review of High Output Management — managerial leverage: what managers to do to increase the output of their teas.
My self review of The Effective Engineer — how and what makes an Effective Engineer?
A command install performance comparison between Bun, npm, PNpM, Yarn, and Yarn Plug n Play in
I'm turning my personal website into a blog where I'll write about my experiences in software development and more.
The relational model (RM) and SQL are the prevailing choice for database management systems (DBMSs), despite efforts to replace either them