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He is a talented software developer who loves to build good products and has a strong background in developing and maintaining applications for more than 7+ years as a freelancer and 3 years in the industry.

He has developed over 40 innovative products, demonstrating his proficiency in web and mobile applications, AI and machine learning, application security, and more.


Bandung, ID 📍

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Take a look at his updated CV for more details. It's built with LaTeX!


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Github Contributions

Over 89 public and 46 private repositories! 🚀



He's Master of Engineering from ITB! 🎓

University Logo
Bandung Institute of TechnologyM.Eng in Control Engineering and Intelligent System - 3.43/4

Supervised by Prof. Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono on Autonomous Drone Development for Exploration and Surveillance with Hybrid Communication under the Robotics Research Laboratory.

January, 2022
December, 2022
University Logo
Telkom UniversityB.Sc in Computer Science - 3.87/4

Supervised by Dr. Bayu Erfianto on Quadcopter Attitude Control System using Hand Gesture Tracking.

August, 2015
August, 2019


Currently, He's working at Influx for 1.7 years! 🤗

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Influx - Software Engineer (AI Implementation Engineer)

Developed Influx Internal Application such as People App, Influx Assistant, ChatFlux, and Copilot.

May, 2023
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ZeroInside - CEO (Freelance)

Developed variety of systems including software, hardware, and product research.

June, 2014
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PT. Ihsan Solusi Informatika - IT Business Analyst & QA

Developed, analysed, and tested Branch Delivery Systems for Aladin Bank.

January, 2022
August, 2022
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PT. Sirkel Kreasi Nusantara - Software Engineer (Backend)

Developed Branch Delivery Systems backend service for Aladin Bank.

March, 2021
January, 2022

Latest Project

IDX Fundamental Analysis

Retrieve and analyse fundamental stock data of companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX). It fetches stock data and key statistics using Selenium, requests, and various provider APIs, and stores the resultant data in Google Sheets or local Excel file for easy access and analysis.
